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Apparently, French patent system offers a simplified approach which enables applicants theflexibility on drafting the claims with reference to the prior art and without risking the objectionwith the cause of lack of inventive step. The search report issued by EPO bears the same valuewith which obtained through PCT/EP approach but with much less expenses. It normally takesmore than 3 years from filing up to registration and the protection automatically extends to theoverseas department such as French Guyana, Polynesia, Reunion, and Guadeloupe etc.显然,法国专利系统为申请人提供了一种更为简便的途径使得申请人在撰写权利要求方面更为自由,申请人只需参考现有技术进行新颖性的考虑进行撰写而无需担忧因为缺乏创造性而被驳回。而申请人支付较少的费用则获得了与通过申请欧洲专利相同的检索报告。法国专利需要三年多的时间即可授权,而且保护范围自动扩展至其海外领地如法属圭亚那,波利尼西亚,留尼旺以及瓜德罗普等。

The costs for the whole registration procedure will be around 2000 Euros exclusive of fees fortranslation and responding to office action (according to our updated Fee Schedule of 2013).申请过程中所花费的费用大约为2000-3000 欧元,这一费用不包括翻译费用以及答复审查意见的费用(根据具体情况而定)

Please feel free to contact us should you have any queries or need any further information.如有其他问题或需要更多信息,请随时联系我们